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Mary Barton

На английском языке.

200 р.

Товар в корзине

Автор: Gaskell E. (1)

Издательство: Foreign Languages Publishing House.

Место издания: Москва

Тип переплёта: Твердый переплет.

Год издания: 1956

Формат: Обычный формат.

Состояние: Хорошее.

Количество страниц: 478с.

На остатке: 1

200 р.

Товар в корзине


Elizabeth Gaskell «Mary Barton». When John Barton`s wife dies in childbirth, his daughter Mary becomes «the light of his hearth, the voice of his otherwise silent home». She is silently adored by Jem Wilson, whom she has known since childhood, yet she is determined to break away from the poverty of her background and rejects his love. Without her father`s knowledge she is courted by the self-satisfied, handsome Harry Carson, son of a rich mill-owner, who represents everything John Barton abhors. Unable to find work as a weaver, surrounded by poverty and starvation, John Barton becomes increasingly embittered against the richer classes and strives to bring about change. His efforts prove fruitless and he is driven to commit a crime that is to have deep repercussions on all those around him. Elizabeth Gaskell`s story of Manchester life in the 1840s is at once a powerful portrayal of a divided society and a moving love story in which she gives voice to the terrible suffering of the working classes and the anguished emotions of her characters.

Оплата: Только предоплата

Способы оплаты:

  • Банковский перевод;
  • Наличными из рук в руки;
  • Оплата на карту СБЕРБАНКА;
  • Яндекс.Деньги;

Доставка: Только по России

Способы доставки:

  • почта России;
  • самовывоз : Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Темерницкая, 32;

Стоимость доставки:

  • По тарифам Почты России + упаковка

Отправка заказов:

  • Отправка в течении 2 дней

Почтовый идентификатор:

  • высылается всегда

Дополнительные сканы и фото:

  • Высылаются для книг дороже 300 р.
  • До заказа

Торг по цене:

  • не возможен

Хранение неоплаченных заказов:

  • 3 (дней)


Elizabeth Gaskell «Mary Barton». When John Barton`s wife dies in childbirth, his daughter Mary becomes «the light of his hearth, the voice of his otherwise silent home». She is silently adored by Jem Wilson, whom she has known since childhood, yet she is determined to break away from the poverty of her background and rejects his love. Without her father`s knowledge she is courted by the self-satisfied, handsome Harry Carson, son of a rich mill-owner, who represents everything John Barton abhors. Unable to find work as a weaver, surrounded by poverty and starvation, John Barton becomes increasingly embittered against the richer classes and strives to bring about change. His efforts prove fruitless and he is driven to commit a crime that is to have deep repercussions on all those around him. Elizabeth Gaskell`s story of Manchester life in the 1840s is at once a powerful portrayal of a divided society and a moving love story in which she gives voice to the terrible suffering of the working classes and the anguished emotions of her characters.

Товаров в продаже: 138 369

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